Evan Kuo

Aspiring Software Engineer and AI/ML Researcher

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Work & Projects

Evan is a student at the University of Texas at Austin who is interested in full-stack development and AI/ML research. Currently, he is a part of the Undergraduate Robot Air Hockey Research Group, focusing on training a robotic arm to play air hockey using Reinforcement Learning. Additionally, he is an engineering fellow in the Texas Product Engineering Organization and is working on a web app called Thoughtless to help organizations process applications easier.



  • University of Texas at Austin | B.S. in Computer Science

    Relevant Coursework: Operating Systems, Computer Organization & Architecture, Software Engineering Robot Learning FRI 1 & 2, Competitive Programming, Linear Algebra, Probability I, Honors Data Structures, Honors Discrete Math, Honors Vector Calculus

    Organizations: Texas Product Engineering Organization, UT Programming Competition, RL Directed Reading Program

I ♥

Fencing, Longboarding, Climbing, Photography

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